With TechMVerse, Tech Mahindra brings India’s first metaverse

Tech Mahindra is stepping into the metaverse competition, where it will face off against established competitors such as meta, NVIDIA, Epic Games, and others.
In addition, TechMVerse will open up avenues for dealerships, NFT Marketplace, and Gaming in general.
According to the company’s news release, the TechMVerse initiative will focus on developing B2B use cases across various areas at first. The following are the use cases that have been identified.
DealerVerse — a Metaverse-based auto dealership.
Gaming center — for all your gaming delight.
Middlemist — NFT Marketplace
MetaBank — A bank in the metaverse!
Low-code, plug-and-play NFT will be provided by TechMVerse. TechMVerse has the potential to be a game-changer in the business.
While other Indian tech behemoths are dabbling in NFT and virtual world games, we have yet to see a dedicated homegrown Marketplace (potentially benefiting native artists).
In the age of Web3.0 and MetaVerse, no IT business worth its salt would want to be a Luddite.
It’s still a theoretically developing technology, and early adopters will lead the way in terms of innovation. However, it remains to be seen how these new technologies will be made available to the general public.

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