5 Books that give the motivation you need for success.

We all need motivation in our life then it may be because we drifted apart from our track or just because we want a new start. These books will surely guide you to achieve your dreams by giving you a clear view of how to start your journey toward your goals and increase your chances of succeeding.
1. Antifragile: Things that gain from disorder
The fifth book from the five-volume philosophical treatise, Nassim Nicolas Taleb describes his book as ” Some things benefit from the shocks; they thrive and grow when exposed to volatility, randomness, disorder and stressors and love adventure, risk, and uncertainty. Yet, despite the ubiquity of the phenomenon, there is no word for the exact opposite of fragile. This book is not just about philosophy it is so powerful that it has been applied in physics, molecular biology, transportation planning, engineering, computer science.
A New York Times Bestseller and praised by critics this book should be on your must-read books list.
2. The 10x rule: The only difference between success and failure
We often make mistakes by not setting goals high enough and getting satisfied with just small things, while we can just by believing that we can do things 10x better and increase our potential. This book is based on the understanding that for success it’s not just the level of effort which matters but its level of thinking is also required. Thinking that we can do something 10 times better can have good effects on your work and it can take you far.
It also asks a serious question, Why do people keep working even when they have achieved more than anyone actually needs. And the answer is Because we can be happy while achieving our dreams and goals and not while resting. If you loved something yesterday you shouldn’t stop loving it today. Right?
3. The success principle” How to get from where you are to where you want to be
If you fail in your life you are the only one who is responsible for your failure. Everything we say does need to be aligned with our goals. This book has five parts: –
- The Fundamental of success
- Transform yourself for success
- Build your success team
- Create successful relationships
- Success and Money
- Success in the digital age
This book contains everything you need to start your journey towards success.
4. 7 Habits of highly effective people
With over a 17Million sold copies, this book defines effectiveness as the balance of obtaining desirable results with caring for that which produces those results. Introducing the concept of a paradigm shift this book helps the readers understand different perspectives meaning people can see the same thing but they differ from each other.
This book introduces three successive stages of increasing maturity. from being dependent at the time of birth, independence in the middle life, and interdependence which consist of our family life.
5. The power of positive thinking
If you want a permanent and optimistic attitude toward your life this book is for you. It talks about positive thinking using the biblical approach. Launched in 1952 this book was on New York Times bestseller list for over 186 weeks, 48 of which it was on the number 1 non-fiction book.
This book states 10 rules for achieving optimism in life including picturing ourselves succeeding, how to convert negative thought into a positive thought, and many more.
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